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Climate-related Disclosure

Climate-related Disclosure Reporting 

Climate change threaten to disrupt business in precipitous and potentially devastating manner, with consequential detrimental effects on their stakeholders and providers of capital. Climate change is one of the most significants risks faces by organisations today. The large-scale and long-term nature of the problem makes it uniquely challenging, especially in the context of economic decision making. 

The framework known as the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, or TCFD is shifting from a voluntary approach to being the main regulatory response to climate risk. 

With the effective date of 1 Jan 2022, Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) require all issuers should provide climate related disclosures in "Comply or Explain" basis, consistent with the TCFD recommendations. 


Source: TCFD, 2017


What We Can Offer?

Our team will guide you to understand the impact of climate change.We help you develop robust strategic narratives to address risks and opportunities arising from climate change. We help orgnasation identify all the climate-related risks and capture opportunities to develop your business strategy. We will help your business grow stronger, future-proofed while creating a better tomorrow.

We will refer to the relevant climate reporting framework, e.g. TCFD to provide you one-stop climate reporting service. 


Source: TCFD,2017

How Do We Achieve It? 

Climate Impact Baseline Study

We help your organization conduct the baseline study based on your operation scope,we help you identify and prioritize climate risks and opportunities.

We help organization to conduct value chain carbon footprint analysis.

Climate Based Business Strategy Transformation

We help organization to develop decarbonization strategy based carbon footprint analysis, regulations, company business strategy, we help business re-evaluate the value chain and reduce the carbon footprint.

It will help the organization to transit climate risks into business opportunities.

Approach Development and Reporting

We will help organization to establish a credible approach to climate reporting based on TCFD. We help organization improve your brand value reputation by compliance to regulatory and meet stakeholders expectations.  

If you want know more about our service, please feel free to reach us